
There are multiple organisations involved in managing waste in the UK, influencing policy and enforcing guidance and legislation, and at the moment we have created 4 subcategories to help split them and list them into natural groupings for ease of reference. As can be seen in the page below, some are not allocated as yet to a subgroup, several of which are regulatory organisations. As yet Waste Companies has not been created as a subcategory, but we hope to create this in the near future and work with those companies to add their content.

At this time WikiWaste has populated a large amount of detail related to Local Authorities allowing them to compare performance and ranking according to a range of metrics that have been assembled, with the anticipation that editors will add detail over time. We also hope that Local Authorities will take the opportunity to manage their information and use it to answer Freedom of Information requests and that ultimately members of the public will use it to find what happens to their waste.