Resources and Waste Strategy: Difference between revisions

addition of an omitted strategic objective
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[[Category:Legislation & Policy]]
[[Category:Legislation & Policy]]
The [[Resources and Waste Strategy]] ([[RWS]]) was published in December 2018 and sets out the actions the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to take to preserve material resources by minimising waste, promoting resource efficiency and moving towards a [[Circular Economy]] in England.
The [[Resources and Waste Strategy]] [[(RWS)]] was published in December 2018 and sets out the actions the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to take to preserve material resources by minimising waste, promoting resource efficiency and moving towards a [[Circular Economy]] in England<ref name="RWS">[ Resources and Waste Strategy],2018</ref>. It also sets long term policy direction in line with the [[25- Year Environment Plan]] including doubling resource productivity and eliminating avoidable waste of all kinds by 2050<ref name ="RWS" />.
The [[Resources and Waste Strategy]] ([[RWS]]) was published in December 2018 and sets out the actions the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to take to preserve material resources by minimising waste, promoting resource efficiency and moving towards a [[Circular Economy]] in England<ref name="RWS">[ Resources and Waste Strategy],2018</ref>. It also sets long term policy direction in line with the [[25- Year Environment Plan]] including doubling resource productivity and eliminating avoidable waste of all kinds by 2050<ref name ="RWS" />.
The [[RWS]] identifies five strategic ambitions:
*to work towards all plastic packaging placed ont he market being recyclable, reuseable or compostable by 2025;
*to work towards eliminating food waste to landfill by 2030
*to eliminate avoidable plastic waste over the lifetime of the [[25- Year Environment Plan]];
*to double resource productivity by 2050; and
*to eliminate avoidable waste of all kind by 2050.

The [[RWS]] is divided into a number of chapters<ref name="RWS" />:
The [[RWS]] is divided into a number of chapters<ref name="RWS" />:
# Sustainable Production
# Helping consumers take more considered actions
# Resource recovery and waste managment
# Tackling waste crime
# Cutting down on food waste
# International Leadership
# Research and Innovation
# Measuring progress: data, monitoring and evaluation

== Chapter 1 - Sustainable Production==
== Chapter 1 - Sustainable Production==
The chapter highlights the damage inflicted upon the environment when products become waste but which could be avoided if more well thought out decisions are made at product/material production stage.
The chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to<ref name="RWS" />:
* invoke the ‘polluter pays’ principle and '''[[Extended Producer Responsibility]] ([[EPR]])''' for packaging, ensuring that producers pay the full costs of disposal for packaging they place on the market
* stimulate demand for recycled plastic by introducing a tax on plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic - the '''[[Plastic Packaging Tax]]'''
* harness the potential of [[Extended Producer Responsibility]] ([[EPR]]) for other product types
* set minimum requirements through eco-design to encourage resource efficient product design
* manage chemicals sustainably and address barriers to reuse and recycling posed by their use, through a [[Chemicals Strategy]]
* develop a model for realising resource efficiency savings, working with businesses through ‘resource efficiency clusters’
==Chapter 2 - Helping consumers take more considered actions==
This chapter discusses how the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to help consumers choose and use more sustainable products, including how to extend the lives of products through repair, reuse and re-manufacture and to encourage consumers to recycle the materials that the products contain (including the use of the proposed '''[[Deposit Recovery Scheme]]''') and to then dispose of them in the most environmentally sensitive way<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to<ref name="RWS" />:
* incentivise consumers to purchase sustainably 
* provide consumers with better information on the sustainability of their purchases
* ban plastic products where there is a clear case for it and alternatives exist
* address barriers to reuse
* support the market for re-manufactured goods
* encourage appropriate disposal of used products
* lead by example though procurement and the [[Greening Government Commitments]]
==Chapter 3 - Resource Recovery and Waste Management==
This chapter discusses the need to drive better quantity and quality in recycling , and more investment in domestic recycled materials markets<ref name="RWS" />. It highlights the [[DEFRA|governments]] support towards comprehensive and frequent waste collections and their drive to assist local authorities and waste management companies to act in the most sustainable and resource-efficient way as possible. It also aims to promote UK-based recycling and export less waste to be processed abroad<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter sets out how [[DEFRA]] aims to<ref name="RWS" />:
* improve recycling rates by ensuring a consistent set of dry recyclable materials is collected from all households and businesses - '''[[Consistency in Recycling Collections in England]]'''
* reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfill by ensuring that every householder and appropriate businesses have a weekly separate food waste collection, subject to consultation
* improve urban recycling rates, working with business and local authorities
* improve working arrangements and performance between local authorities
* drive greater efficiency of Energy from Waste (EfW) plants
* address information barriers to the use of secondary materials
* encourage waste producers and managers to implement the waste hierarchy in respect to hazardous waste.
==Chapter 4 - Tackling waste crime==
This chapter focuses on the costs to the economy of waste related criminal activity and the impact on the environment and local communities by this behaviour<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter sets out how [[DEFRA]] aims to<ref name="RWS" />:
* improve the transport, management and description of waste by reforming existing regulations
* strengthen intelligence sharing and engagement to tackle illegal activity
* prevent illegal activity being hidden through waste exemptions by reforming the existing regime
* mandate the digital recording of waste movements, subject to consultation
* create a Joint Unit for Waste Crime
* toughen penalties for waste criminals
* increase awareness of waste regulations and publicise positive work of enforcement bodies as they tackle waste crime.
==Chapter 5 - Cutting down on [[Food Waste]]==
This chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] aims to tackle [[Food Waste]] and the issues surrounding growing and producing excess [[Food Waste|food waste]] which costs money and damages the Earth's ecosystems when it is disposed of. The chapter also considers the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food and drink, suggesting that a fifth of UK greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food and drink, (with most created during the production (agriculture and manufacturing) processes)<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter also highlights [[DEFRA]]'s committment to reducing England's carbon footprint and meeting the UN [[Sustainable Development Goals]] to halve food waste at consumer and retail levels by 2030.
The chapter sets out how [[DEFRA]] will<ref name="RWS" />:
* more effectively redistribute food to those who need it most before it can go to waste
* consult on annual reporting of food surplus and waste by food businesses
* consult on legal powers to introduce food waste targets and surplus food redistribution obligations
* publish a new food surplus and waste hierarchy
* promote awareness of the issue by appointing a new food waste champion
* support cross sector collaboration through the [[Courtauld 2025 Agreement]]
==Chapter 6 - Global Britain: international leadership==
This chapter discusses the concerns over resources and waste management cutting across continents and oceans and that the actions which are needed to tackle them require a broad coalition and international leadership<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] will<ref name="RWS" />:
* promote the goals of our [[Resources and Waste Strategy]] internationally
* drive international political commitments through the ground-breaking [[Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance]]
* support developing nations to tackle pollution and reduce plastic waste, including through UK aid
* improve the quality of plastics exported for recycling through the [[Basel and Stockholm Conventions]]
* establish cross-government oversight of the UK’s natural resource security.
==Chapter 7 - Research and innovation==
This chapter discusses the importance of innovation and the need to develop novel solutions and to improve the efficiency, cost and/or effectiveness of existing technologies and how the government will support industries and academia to stimulate innovation<ref name="RWS" />.
The chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] will<ref name="RWS" />:
* support further investment and innovation in resource efficiency, working with [[UK Research and Innovation]] ([[UKRI]]) on our Areas of Research Interest
* launch a call for evidence on the development of standards for bio-based and biodegradable plastics
* support further investment in resource efficient technologies, including through the [[Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund]]
* support the [[Waste and Resources Action Programme]] ([[WRAP]])
* encourage innovative waste treatment technologies that create transport fuels through the [[Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation]] ([[RTFO]])
==Chapter 8 - Measuring progress: data, monitoring and evaluation==
This chapter highlights the importance of high quality data, information and insights to effective policy making.
The chapter sets out how the [[DEFRA|government]] will<ref name="RWS" />:
* work with our partners and stakeholders to develop a shared vision and bold new approach to data on resources and waste
* move away from weight-based towards impact-based targets and reporting, focusing initially on carbon and natural capital accounting
* maintain the coverage and quality of local authority-collected waste and improve data collection to meet future needs
* work with tech firms to develop innovative digital solutions for tracking waste, and consult on options to mandate the digital recording and sharing of waste movement data.
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