Consistency in Recycling Collections in England: Difference between revisions

BabarKing (talk | contribs)
m Update on timescale
Bin52 (talk | contribs)
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#redirect[[Simpler Recycling]]
[[Category: Legislation & Policy]]
[[Category: Legislation & Policy]]
In February 2019, [[DEFRA]] published<ref>[ Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Collection]</ref> a consultation proposing greater [[Consistency in Recycling Collections in England|consistency in household and business recycling collections in England]]. This consultation was launched in parallel with consultations on [[Extended Producer Responsibility]] and the implementation of a [[Deposit Return Scheme]] ([[DRS]]) in England, in conjunction with the devolved administration in Wales and [[DAERA]] in Northern Ireland.
==First Stage Consultation==
The proposal was made with the intention of improving [[recycling]] rates from households and businesses that produce similar waste. With regard to households the consultation was for all [[Waste Collection Authorities|waste collection authorities]] to:
* collect the same core set of [[Dry Recyclables|dry recyclable]] materials from households
* have separate weekly [[food waste]] collections from households
Other measures in the consultation included:
* whether [[Waste Collection Authorities|waste collection authorities]] should provide a free [[Green Waste|garden waste]] collection service for households with gardens
* how to achieve greater separation of [[Dry Recyclables|dry materials]] in collections, especially [[paper]] and [[glass]] to improve the quality of [[Dry Recyclables|dry recyclable]] collected from households
* whether statutory guidance on minimum service standards for [[waste]] and [[recycling]] services should be introduced
* how to develop non-binding performance indicators to support [[Local Authority|local authorities]] to deliver high quality and quantity in [[recycling]] and waste management
* how to support joint working between [[Local Authority|local authorities]] on [[waste]]; alternatives to weight-based targets; and having standardised bin colours for [[waste]] and [[recycling]]
With regard to businesses, consulting was for:
* all affected businesses and organisations to [[Source Segregated Recyclate|segregate dry recyclable materials]] from [[residual waste]] so that these can be collected for [[recycling]]
* all affected businesses and organisations to separate their [[food waste]] to be collected and [[Recycling|recycled]] or [[Composting|composted]]
* measures to reduce costs of [[waste]] collection for businesses and organisations
* measures to improve the availability of data and information on business [[waste]] and [[recycling]]
==Second Stage consultation==
The first stage consultation completed in May 2019, with a second stage commencing in May 2021 for completion by July 2021<ref>[ Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England]</ref>.
The second stage sought to build on the earlier consultation and seek further detail from consultees, including how the [[Environment Bill]] powers should be used and how the proposed policies should be implemented.
==Consultation Response==
It was initially believed the government would publish its responses to the consultations by the end of October 2021, however due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deputy director for resources and waste at [[DEFRA]] said at [[RWM Exhibition|RWM]] the way forward will be published "later this year or early next" <ref>LetsRecycle,, Published September 23rd 2021/</ref>. In March 2022 it was reported<ref></ref> that it is now likely to be delayed beyond early May 2022.  In June 2022, with Councils still waiting for further details DEFRA confirmed details would be published "soon" <ref></ref>
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