Landfill: Difference between revisions

Howard (talk | contribs)
Howard (talk | contribs)
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Set out the sites in the UK and the location map of sites in the UK here?
Set out the sites in the UK and the location map of sites in the UK here?

==Landfill Management==
==Landfill Management==<br>
Landfill operations encompasses all aspects of site engineering and monitoring to ensure permit compliance. In addition, site management also encompasses the everyday functioning of the site as a repository for waste.<br>
In general terms, the following activities take place:
* waste is received at the site and the vehicle and contents weighed
* all paperwork is checked to ensure that the received materials are acceptable for disposal at the site
* a visual check is made of the waste at the weighbridge to confirm that the material has been correctly described
* the vehicle is dispatched to the tipping area where its contenst are discharged
* site waste is pushed out into a working area and the nature of the waste checked to confirm that it has been correctly consigned and is acceptable for disposal at teh site
* the vehicle leaves the working area and is re-weighed at the weighbridge (empty) and an appropriate receipt given to the driver <br>
Site operations are usually carried out with various items of fixed and mobile plant, such as:<br>
# weighbridge and associated site office
# appropriate mobile plant to push the waste out into layers and provide compaction of the waste, this usually comprises bulldozer and/or wheeled compactor; these can be in multiple if the site has a large daily input
# wheelwash to clean the wheels of road-going vehicles leaving the site to enter the public highway
# various ancilliary equipment to maintain dust suppresion, surface water control and to deal with pests and birds<br>
The working area utilised on each day is kept to a minimum area and waste is tipped in relatively thin layers. This practice is maintained to minimise the area open to the atmosphere and the potential attraction to avian scavengers. At the end of every day a layer of suitable inert material is spread over that day's input to minimise wind-blown litter and prevent birds and rodents from accessing the tipped waste.
The day-to-day operations at a site are well-described in several documents, notably WMP 26B and ISWA's LANDFILL OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES (2nd Edition 2010 ISWA WORKING GROUP ON LANDFILL).

==Landfill Restoration, Closure and Aftercare==
==Landfill Restoration, Closure and Aftercare==