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North London Heat and Power (Edmonton EcoPark Replacement) - WikiWaste

North London Heat and Power (Edmonton EcoPark Replacement)

Revision as of 03:08, 17 February 2020 by Bin52 (talk | contribs) (add page specific text)

Error: no local variable "site" has been set.
Error: no local variable "status" has been set.
Site Location
Site Location

See Residual EfW → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Waste Licence Error: no local variable "epr" has been set.
Operator [[Error: no local variable "operator" has been set.]]
Region [[:Category:Error: no local variable "region" has been set.|Error: no local variable "region" has been set.]]
Operational Capacity Error: no local variable "cap" has been set.ktpa
Is site R1? Error: no local variable "r1" has been set.
When was R1 Granted? Error: no local variable "r1date" has been set.
What was the R1 value Error: no local variable "r1value" has been set.
Electrical Capacity Error: no local variable "mwe" has been set.MWe
Number of Lines Error: no local variable "line" has been set.
Number of Turbines Error: no local variable "turbine" has been set.
CHP Error: no local variable "chp" has been set.
Technology Approach Error: no local variable "techtype" has been set.
Funding Type [[Error: no local variable "funding" has been set.]]

Operators Annual Report

Input Data

Year HH C&I Clin RDF Total

Output Data

Year IBA IBA %ge of Tot IN APC APC %ge of Tot IN


An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology and presently in early stage construction. North London Heat and Power replaces the end of life Edmonton EcoPark EfW facility on the same site, at a forecast operational capacity of 700,000 tonnes per annum vs the current 675,000 tonnes per annum.


The plant technology has not yet been published.


The plant commenced construction with initial ground preparation works in January 2019 by . A legal challenge has been raised by on the development. ref>Letsrecycle Article</ref>.

Waste Input

The plant is intended to run on residual Household Waste and Commercial Waste. The majority of supply will continue to be underpinned by NLWA.
