Collection System Design: Difference between revisions

Additon and correction of text in relation to what LAs are able to charge for.
m (expanded text)
(Additon and correction of text in relation to what LAs are able to charge for.)
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== Charging for Service ==
== Charging for Service ==

The collection of waste and recyclables from residents is a legal requirement and no charge can be made for this service. The exception under the [[Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012]] allows a [[Waste Collection Authority]] to charge their residents for the collection of their [[Green Waste]] which has led to two types of arrangement being implemented across the country, systems
The collection of waste and recyclables from residents is a legal requirement under the [[Environmental Protection Act 1990]]. Local Authorities therefore cannot charge their residents for the use of this service provided the waste and recyclables fit within the containers provided by their [Waste Collection Authority]] and/or weigh less than 25kg.

* '''Free Collection or [[Green Not Charged]]''' - Most authorities initially did not charge their residents for the collection of their [[Green Waste]] and those that continue to provide the service with no charge/fee, do so either becuase of a  political reluctance to charge and/or a perception that a change would lead to a drop in recycling figures or a political desire to retain their position as a 'high achieving recycling authority'.
There are a couple of exceptions to this arrangement which are detailed within the [[Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012]]. These Regulations stipulate when a [[Waste Collection Authority]] is able to charge its residents for the collection and/or disposal of household waste. These exceptions are:
* any item of waste which exceeds 25kg in  weight (often referred to as a 'Bulky Waste Collection').
* any item which does not fit into the container provided by the [[Waste Collection Authority]]
* the collection of clinical waste; and
* the collection of [[Green Waste]]/Garden Waste 
This latter point has led to two types of arrangements being implemented across the country for the collection of [[Green Waste]]
* '''Free Collection or [[Green Not Charged]]''' - Most authorities initially did not charge their residents for the collection of their [[Green Waste]] and those that continue to provide the service with no charge/fee, do so either becuase of a  political reluctance to charge and/or a perception that a charge would lead to a drop in recycling figures or a political desire to retain their position as a 'high achieving recycling authority'.
* '''Charged Collection or [[Green Charged]]''' - Many authorities have moved to a charged system, mainly driven by a desire to recover the cost of collection from those that use it the most, but also due to the perception that free collection leads to an increase in collected waste and a reduction in, for example, home composting.
* '''Charged Collection or [[Green Charged]]''' - Many authorities have moved to a charged system, mainly driven by a desire to recover the cost of collection from those that use it the most, but also due to the perception that free collection leads to an increase in collected waste and a reduction in, for example, home composting.

