Aycliffe Quarry Landfill

From Wikiwaste

Aycliffe Quarry Landfill
Site Location
Site Location

See SNRHW → page for a wider UK perspective.

Waste Licence TP3735PA (TP3735PA)
Operator Stonegrave Aggregates Ltd


Year Total Void[1]
2018 1883401
2019 1721036
2020 728258

Summary site information collated from a variety of sources
including: Monksleigh, Ellard Associates, EA, WasteDataFlow,
SEPA, NRW, DEFRA, BEIS and owner and developer websites


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Text to be added

Waste Tonnage, EWC List

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit TP3735PA, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated in Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 89,444.42t.

EWC Code Description Tonnes In
01 04 13 wastes from stone cutting and sawing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 402.5
01 05 04 freshwater drilling muds and wastes 80.96
01 05 08 chloride-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 and 01 05 06 74.12
02 01 03 plant tissue waste 1130.72
02 01 06 animal faeces, urine and manure (including spoiled straw), effluent,collected separately and treated off-site 777.3
03 01 05 sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particle board and veneer other than those mentioned in 03 01 04 253.98
08 01 12 waste paint and varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 11 165.58
08 02 01 waste coating powders 438.5
10 01 01 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust (excluding boiler dust mentioned in 10 01 04) 13.3
10 01 03 fly ash from peat and untreated wood 10.46
10 03 18 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 30 17 243.36
10 12 10 solid waste from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 12 09 21.18
16 03 06 organic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 05 11
17 01 07 mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06 11666.58
17 05 04 soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03 8581.86
17 06 04 insulating materials other than those mentioned in 17 06 01 and 17 06 03 1.16
17 06 05* construction materials containing asbestos 1860.54
19 01 12 bottom ash and slag other than those mentioned in 19 01 11 5.36
19 05 01 non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastes 4494
19 05 03 off-specification compost 225.86
19 12 01 paper and cardboard 52.32
19 12 04 plastic and rubber 48.72
19 12 09 minerals (e.g. sand, stones) 16800
19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of waste other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 27491.46
20 01 11 textiles 12
20 01 39 plastics 12.62
20 03 01 mixed municpal waste 2316.26
20 03 03 street-cleaning residues 12245.5
20 03 06 waste from sewage cleaning 7.22


  1. Units are in m3 for England and Wales, and Tonnes for Scotland.