Fine Environmental Services Seal Sands Facility

From Wikiwaste

A High Temperature Incinerator configured to managed hazardous liquid waste primarily from the adjacent organic chemical production/manufacturing of Lianhetech.

Fine Environmental Services Seal Sands Facility
Site Location
Site Location

See HT & Clin → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Waste Licence ZP3438CF
Operator Fine Environmental Services
Operational Capacity 48,000tpa
Number of Lines 1
Region North East

Annual Report Data

Year Total In Total Clinical IBA Out ACP Out Op Hours

2019 23367 0 0 6969
2018 6625 0 6363
2020 25759 0 0 30 6851
2021 18691 0 0 60 6662
2022 11170 0 0 0 4433

Picture of Seal Sands Thermal Oxidizer - All rights reserved Fine Environmental Services
Picture of Seal Sands Thermal Oxidizer - All rights reserved Fine Environmental Services


A High Temperature Incinerator configured to managed hazardous liquid waste primarily from the adjacent organic chemical production/manufacturing of Lianhetech including chlorinated organic and aqueous wastes along with process off-gases[1].

Plant Description

A down-fired thermal oxidizer supplied by John Zink Hamworthy Combustion. The facility is permitted to receive 48,000 tonnes per annum, although the annual report data suggests that the tonnage processed has not exceeded 27,500 tonnes per annum since records were available from 2012..

Waste Tonnage, By Origin

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit ZP3438CF, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated on Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 11,196.93t.

Where this tonnage exceeds that reported in year of the corresponding annual report, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Tonnage may have been received but not incinerated, i.e. the material is held pending incineration (the operator return to the EA reports as received whereas the annual report focuses on when the waste is incinerated.)
  • Material may have been received into the site but treated in some other way than incineration.
  • Material may have been received on the but transferred out of site for disposal/treatment at another site rather than incineration on the site.
EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
07 04 01* Middlesbrough 7285.98
07 04 03* Middlesbrough 815
07 04 04* Middlesbrough 3083.45
07 06 01* Kingston upon Hull, City of 12.5


  1. waste types from Environmental Permit