Kemsley K3 EfW

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Kemsley K3 EfW
Site Location
Site Location

See Residual EfW → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Waste Licence JP3135DK
Operator Enfinium K3 CHP Operations Ltd
Region South East
Operational Capacity 657ktpa
Is site R1? fal
When was R1 Granted?
What was the R1 value 0.82
Electrical Capacity 45.00MWe
Number of Lines 2
Number of Turbines 1
Technology Approach EfW
Funding Type Merchant

Operators Annual Report

Input Data

Year HH C&I Clin RDF Total
2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2018 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2020 178290.00 188931.00 0.00 51992.00 419213.00
2021 278529.00 128625.00 0.00 119875.00 527029.00
2022 321040.00 81704.00 0.00 139885.00 542629.00
2023 285880.00 94000.00 0.00 183227.00 563107.00

Output Data

Year IBA IBA %ge of Tot IN APC APC %ge of Tot IN
2016 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
2017 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
2018 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
2019 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
2020 93632.00 22.34% 12447.00 2.97%
2021 115045.00 21.83% 15664.00 2.97%
2022 119607.00 22.04% 15223.00 2.81%
2023 119858.00 21.29% 14484.00 2.57%

Kemsley K3 EFW - Whhelabrator website July 2020 all rights reserved
Kemsley K3 EFW - Whhelabrator website July 2020 all rights reserved


An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology, Kemsley K3 EfW was handed over for operation in July 2020[1] and had an original operational capacity of 550,000 tonnes per annum with an extension of 107,000 tonnes per annum approved in February 2021[2]. The project has been developed and will be operated by Wheelabrator and was funded by the Green Investment Bank, BTMU, Natixis and Investec. The project reached financial close in September 2016 for GBP £340m[3]..


The additional permitted capacity was sought as part of an application for an additional project adjacent to the site (Kemsley North (WKN)) although this part of the application was refused by the Planning Inspectorate. The extension to the Kemsley K3 EfW was within the boundaries of the current consent and technology, through improved efficiency of the plant design, to allow the processing of the further 107,000 tones per annum to generate an additional 25.1MW.

In December 2020 Wheelabrator announced the sale of their UK energy from waste division to the European Diversified Infrastructure Fund III, a fund managed by First Sentier Investors (FSI) (formally known as First State Investments) headquartered in Australia[4] for completion in early 2021.


The plant technology comprises 2 lines of a standard combustion moving grate technology, producing super-heated steam (49.9MW plus 25.1MW of thermal output) to generate electricity to grid and steam to the adjacent DS Smith papermill.


The plant gained planning consent in 2012, reached financial close in July 2016, and was delivered by an EPC turnkey arrangement with CNIM. Handover was achieved in July 2020.

Waste Input

The plant is intended to run on residual Household Waste and Commercial Waste sourced by Wheelabrator.

Local Authority Data

The table below lists those local authorities who have recorded their tonnage on WasteDataFlow as sending their Waste to this site (either directly or via a transfer station) for the most recent financial year, data was updated on Error: no local variable "updated" has been set.. The tonnage received cannot be directly compared with the stated historical tonnage received and recorded in the EA statistics as these are recorded on a calendar year basis (i.e. January 2018 to December 2018). The total Local Authority waste received by the plant in the period was: 0t

A 'zero return' or a below expected return, when compared to the EA Data below indicates that either:

  • no local authority tonnage was recorded/no tonnage was sent to the site in the period (but has been listed as it may have previously received tonnage from a local authority) or
  • a result of the plant being recently commissioned and actually having received no tonnage or
  • a lower than expected tonnage maybe a result of a local authority splitting their tonnage over multiple sites, having less tonnage to send than might be anticipated or
  • it may be a new plant being in 'ramp up' towards full capacity after construction or
  • may be a result of plant shut down and subsequent re-start in a year or
  • the local authority may not have correctly entered the site's details on WasteDataFlow

Authority Tonnage

Waste Tonnage, By Origin

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit JP3135DK, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated on Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 563,129.95t.

Where this tonnage exceeds that reported in year of the corresponding annual report, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Tonnage may have been received but not incinerated, i.e. the material is held pending incineration (the operator return to the EA reports as received whereas the annual report focuses on when the waste is incinerated.)
  • Material may have been received into the site but treated in some other way than incineration.
  • Material may have been received on the but transferred out of site for disposal/treatment at another site rather than incineration on the site.
EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
03 03 07 Swale 1935.36
19 12 04 Crawley 22.16
19 12 04 Swale 30111.16
19 12 10 Adur 155.86
19 12 10 Barking and Dagenham 24160.24
19 12 10 Bedford 370.6
19 12 10 Brent 1681.54
19 12 10 Bromley 24.54
19 12 10 Canterbury 687.98
19 12 10 Crawley 549.22
19 12 10 Croydon 261.68
19 12 10 Dartford 1391.88
19 12 10 East Cambridgeshire 22.92
19 12 10 East Sussex 24873.01
19 12 10 Essex 1615.22
19 12 10 Fareham 47.68
19 12 10 Greenwich 25.16
19 12 10 Hampshire 700.74
19 12 10 Havering 668.58
19 12 10 Hillingdon 190.42
19 12 10 Hounslow 26.2
19 12 10 Ipswich 2020.96
19 12 10 Kent 1314.4
19 12 10 Kingston upon Thames 88.76
19 12 10 Leicester 618.08
19 12 10 London 1041.28
19 12 10 Medway 45.96
19 12 10 Merton 40626.86
19 12 10 Milton Keynes 24.4
19 12 10 Newham 845.94
19 12 10 Nottingham 2061.5
19 12 10 Reigate and Banstead 1742.3
19 12 10 Slough 71.9
19 12 10 Surrey 4519.78
19 12 10 Swale 64187.82
19 12 10 West Midlands 795.76
19 12 10 West Sussex 5816.04
19 12 12 Barking and Dagenham 74.5
19 12 12 Brent 791.8
19 12 12 Canterbury 4206.58
19 12 12 Chelmsford 570.86
19 12 12 Crawley 15609.82
19 12 12 Croydon 20.82
19 12 12 East Sussex 4104.52
19 12 12 Enfield 24.68
19 12 12 Essex 22.38
19 12 12 Greenwich 100.9
19 12 12 Hampshire 743.22
19 12 12 Kent 2548.2
19 12 12 London 275.82
19 12 12 Merton 48.44
19 12 12 North Northamptonshire 21.9
19 12 12 Nottingham 23.56
19 12 12 Reigate and Banstead 65.58
19 12 12 Rushmoor 850.94
19 12 12 Surrey 11684.76
19 12 12 Sutton 141.06
19 12 12 Swale 5359.1
19 12 12 West Midlands 179.72
19 12 12 West Sussex 14461.72
20 03 01 Adur 440.76
20 03 01 Barking and Dagenham 5217.36
20 03 01 Basildon 3444.6
20 03 01 Bedford 119.96
20 03 01 Bexley 666.58
20 03 01 Brent 12268.5
20 03 01 Brighton and Hove 577.26
20 03 01 Bristol, City of 242.3
20 03 01 Bromley 18751.7
20 03 01 Canterbury 27536.5
20 03 01 Chelmsford 94.9
20 03 01 Crawley 24.34
20 03 01 Croydon 2166.06
20 03 01 East Cambridgeshire 491.06
20 03 01 East Sussex 5550.42
20 03 01 Enfield 8932.82
20 03 01 Essex 15082.74
20 03 01 Fareham 21595.94
20 03 01 Greenwich 1170.2
20 03 01 Hampshire 19803.87
20 03 01 Hillingdon 1768.68
20 03 01 Hounslow 25.14
20 03 01 Huntingdonshire 100.12
20 03 01 Ipswich 23.38
20 03 01 Kent 46.14
20 03 01 Kingston upon Thames 1578.3
20 03 01 London 5604.72
20 03 01 Medway 52631.32
20 03 01 Merton 1520.96
20 03 01 North Lincolnshire 26.42
20 03 01 Peterborough 1585.94
20 03 01 Reading 17504.65
20 03 01 Reigate and Banstead 20.62
20 03 01 Rushmoor 49.2
20 03 01 Slough 119.94
20 03 01 St Albans 1533.98
20 03 01 Surrey 34551.54
20 03 01 Swale 9207.18
20 03 01 Tunbridge Wells 7748.56
20 03 01 West Midlands 50.92
20 03 01 West Northamptonshire 47.3
20 03 01 West Sussex 5932.3
