Lincolnshire EFW

From Wikiwaste

An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology and considered an ERF based on its R1 status. The North Hykenham Energy from Waste facility, as its also known, has a permitted operational capacity of 190,000 tonnes per annum, and is owned and operated by FCC Environment.

Lincolnshire EFW
Site Location
Site Location

See Residual EfW → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Waste Licence FP3739FS
Operator FCC Environment
Region East Midlands
Operational Capacity 190ktpa
Is site R1? fal
When was R1 Granted? 2017-06-04
What was the R1 value 0.68
Electrical Capacity 13.10MWe
Number of Lines 1
Number of Turbines 1
Technology Approach EfW
Funding Type PPP

Operators Annual Report

Input Data

Year HH C&I Clin RDF Total
2016 162025.99 1554.01 0.00 0.00 163580.00
2017 167594.60 1164.44 0.00 0.00 168759.04
2018 168990.40 1910.82 4.50 0.00 170910.22
2019 169181.00 6293.00 0.00 0.00 177546.00
2020 179431.00 5400.00 0.00 0.00 184831.00
2021 165846.00 5027.00 450.00 0.00 171323.00
2022 168835.00 3227.00 0.00 0.00 172062.00
2023 170497.00 6499.00 0.00 0.00 176996.00

Output Data

Year IBA IBA %ge of Tot IN APC APC %ge of Tot IN
2016 35987.60 22.00% 1635.80 1.00%
2017 35439.40 21.00% 1687.59 1.00%
2018 38281.86 22.40% 4016.18 2.35%
2019 38277.00 21.56% 4064.00 2.29%
2020 39585.00 21.42% 4108.00 2.22%
2021 36531.00 21.32% 3930.00 2.29%
2022 36894.00 21.44% 979.00 0.57%
2023 37176.00 21.00% 4160.00 2.35%

Picture of North Hykenham EFW from Resource Magazine
Picture of North Hykenham EFW from Resource Magazine


An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology and considered an ERF based on its R1 status. The North Hykenham Energy from Waste facility, as its also known, has a permitted operational capacity of 190,000 tonnes per annum, and is owned and operated by FCC Environment. The waste arrives on 10 and 25 tonne collection vehicles from the local Lincoln area and five transfer stations based in Boston, Gainsborough, Grantham, Louth and Sleaford. [1] The facility processes primarily residual Household Waste and some Commercial Waste.

The facility is located on a 5 hectare site in Lincolnshire (just outside the village of North Hykenham) about 1.5km South West of Lincoln City.[2]


The North Hykenham facility was built to primarily service Lincolnshire County Council under a 25 yr contract; with Lincolnshire choosing to use the Prudential Borrowing mechanism rather than the usual PFI route it had the option to take. Prudential Borrowing meant that the £135m costs were funded by a loan from the National Loans Fund linked to HM Treasury.[3]

The plant became fully operational in March 2014 and the development is one of the quickest 'planning to hot commissioning' facilities ever developed in the UK. (Planning Permission was granted in Jul 2009 with hot commissioning in August 2013).[3]

The plant takes waste from the greater Lincolnshire area and is almost entirely from municipal sources.[3]

In 2020 FCC formed Green Recovery Projects Ltd, a new company for its Energy from Waste portfolio to allow the subsequent sale of 49% to Icon Infrastructure. This included Lincolnshire EFW[4].


The facility was delivered through a joint venture between Clugston and technology provider CNIM for FCC Environment under a Design and Build EPC-turnkey contract which was worth in the region of £145m.[5].The plant is capable of producing 11 MW net electricity for export to the grid and includes ancillary infrastructure such as landscaping, administration offices and a visitor centre.[6].

The facility consists of one incinerator line with a total annual capacity of 154,000 tonnes per year (19.24tph) of waste materials with a design average lower calorific value (LCV) of approximately 9.3 MJ/Kg. Moving grate technology is used for burning the waste material. [2]

Local Authority Data

The table below lists those local authorities who have recorded their tonnage on WasteDataFlow as sending their Waste to this site (either directly or via a transfer station) for the most recent financial year, data was updated on 2023-04-26. The tonnage received cannot be directly compared with the stated historical tonnage received and recorded in the EA statistics as these are recorded on a calendar year basis (i.e. January 2018 to December 2018). The total Local Authority waste received by the plant in the period was: 170,297.31t

A 'zero return' or a below expected return, when compared to the EA Data below indicates that either:

  • no local authority tonnage was recorded/no tonnage was sent to the site in the period (but has been listed as it may have previously received tonnage from a local authority) or
  • a result of the plant being recently commissioned and actually having received no tonnage or
  • a lower than expected tonnage maybe a result of a local authority splitting their tonnage over multiple sites, having less tonnage to send than might be anticipated or
  • it may be a new plant being in 'ramp up' towards full capacity after construction or
  • may be a result of plant shut down and subsequent re-start in a year or
  • the local authority may not have correctly entered the site's details on WasteDataFlow

Authority Tonnage
Lincolnshire County Council 170297.310

Waste Tonnage, By Origin

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit FP3739FS, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated on Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 176,983.4t.

Where this tonnage exceeds that reported in year of the corresponding annual report, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Tonnage may have been received but not incinerated, i.e. the material is held pending incineration (the operator return to the EA reports as received whereas the annual report focuses on when the waste is incinerated.)
  • Material may have been received into the site but treated in some other way than incineration.
  • Material may have been received on the but transferred out of site for disposal/treatment at another site rather than incineration on the site.
EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
02 03 04 Yorks & Humber 12.78
18 01 04 Derby 63.32
18 01 04 Lincoln 21.94
18 01 04 Newark and Sherwood 764.32
18 01 04 Yorks & Humber 167.1
18 01 09 Doncaster 8.2
18 01 09 Lincolnshire 6.54
18 01 09 Nottingham 45.06
18 01 09 Rushcliffe 5.36
18 01 09 Sheffield 486.38
18 01 09 Yorks & Humber 71.77
20 03 01 Boston 41504.16
20 03 01 Cheshire West and Chester 510.02
20 03 01 East Lindsey 28675.8
20 03 01 Lincoln 28370.1
20 03 01 Lincolnshire 7.12
20 03 01 North Kesteven 25938.23
20 03 01 South Kesteven 29157.74
20 03 01 West Lindsey 20620.36
20 03 01 Yorks & Humber 515.74
20 03 07 East Lindsey 1.06
20 03 07 Lincoln 27.3
20 03 07 West Lindsey 3
