North Yard EfW (Devonport EfW CHP Facility)

From Wikiwaste

An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology and considered an ERF based on its R1 status. Devonport has a permitted operational capacity of 265,000 tonnes per annum, and is owned and operated by MVV Environment. Delivery of waste is primarily by road and the facility processes primarily residual Household Waste and some Commercial Waste. It is located in North Yard, next to Her Majesty's Naval Base Devonport.

North Yard EfW (Devonport EfW CHP Facility)
Site Location
Site Location

See Residual EfW → page for a larger UK Wide map.

Waste Licence WP3833FT
Operator MVV Environment
Region South West
Operational Capacity 275ktpa
Is site R1? fal
When was R1 Granted? 2015-05-05
What was the R1 value 0.80
Electrical Capacity 22.50MWe
Number of Lines 1
Number of Turbines 1
Technology Approach EfW
Funding Type PFI

Operators Annual Report

Input Data

Year HH C&I Clin RDF Total
2016 246579.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 246579.80
2017 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2018 162672.00 93349.00 0.00 0.00 256021.00
2019 168783.00 96270.00 0.00 0.00 265053.00
2020 181174.00 82741.00 0.00 0.00 263915.00
2021 188491.00 54541.00 0.00 0.00 243032.00
2022 181667.00 78638.00 0.00 0.00 260305.00
2023 184386.00 74180.00 0.00 0.00 258566.00

Output Data

Year IBA IBA %ge of Tot IN APC APC %ge of Tot IN
2016 62616.00 25.39% 7054.00 2.86%
2017 63546.00 0.00% 7734.00 0.00%
2018 60857.00 23.77% 7889.00 3.08%
2019 68206.00 25.73% 8164.00 3.08%
2020 68253.00 25.86% 5679.00 2.15%
2021 62456.00 25.70% 6790.00 2.79%
2022 65096.00 25.01% 7397.00 2.84%
2023 63568.00 24.58% 7030.00 2.72%

MVV Devonport
MVV Devonport


An EfW facility based upon conventional combustion technology and considered an ERF based on its R1 status. Devonport has a permitted operational capacity of 265,000 tonnes per annum, and is owned and operated by MVV Environment. Delivery of waste is primarily by road and the facility processes primarily residual Household Waste and some Commercial Waste. It is located in North Yard, next to Her Majesty's Naval Base Devonport.


The Devonport facility was built primarily to service a 25 year PFI contract signed in March 2011 with South West Devon Waste Partnership (or SWDWP) which comprises Torbay Council, Plymouth City Council, and Devon County Council with anticipated input of around 163,000 tonnes per annum from these authorities. The site began accepting waste in September 2015, and under a combined heat and power supply agreement with the adjacent naval base, started supplying heat and reached full operations in January 2016. [1]


Built by MVV Umwelts's in-house contracting company with civil engineering support contract from Keir the construction started in mid 2012 and was delivered at a reported lifetime cost of GBP £389m[2] and reported[3] capital cost of GBP £188m. The plant comprises standard combustion technology, air cooled grate, generating super-heated steam [4]. It is configured to run on residual Household Waste and Commercial Waste to deliver 24MWe of power. MVV Environmental openly publish their annual plant performance report [5]

Local Authority Data

The table below lists those local authorities who have recorded their tonnage on WasteDataFlow as sending their Waste to this site (either directly or via a transfer station) for the most recent financial year, data was updated on 2023-04-26. The tonnage received cannot be directly compared with the stated historical tonnage received and recorded in the EA statistics as these are recorded on a calendar year basis (i.e. January 2018 to December 2018). The total Local Authority waste received by the plant in the period was: 189,756.09t

A 'zero return' or a below expected return, when compared to the EA Data below indicates that either:

  • no local authority tonnage was recorded/no tonnage was sent to the site in the period (but has been listed as it may have previously received tonnage from a local authority) or
  • a result of the plant being recently commissioned and actually having received no tonnage or
  • a lower than expected tonnage maybe a result of a local authority splitting their tonnage over multiple sites, having less tonnage to send than might be anticipated or
  • it may be a new plant being in 'ramp up' towards full capacity after construction or
  • may be a result of plant shut down and subsequent re-start in a year or
  • the local authority may not have correctly entered the site's details on WasteDataFlow

Authority Tonnage
Bath and North East Somerset Council 74.290
Devon County Council 62102.529
North Somerset Council 104.350
Plymouth City Council 85159.910
South Hams District Council 206.784
Torbay Council 42041.480
West Devon Borough Council 66.746

Waste Tonnage, By Origin

The table shows a list of the Waste for the Permit WP3833FT, that has arrived into sites as reported to the Regulator and then publicised in their reported statistics. The Data was last updated on Oct-24. The total reported tonnage arriving at the site was: 258,585.77t.

Where this tonnage exceeds that reported in year of the corresponding annual report, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Tonnage may have been received but not incinerated, i.e. the material is held pending incineration (the operator return to the EA reports as received whereas the annual report focuses on when the waste is incinerated.)
  • Material may have been received into the site but treated in some other way than incineration.
  • Material may have been received on the but transferred out of site for disposal/treatment at another site rather than incineration on the site.
EWC Code Origin of Waste Tonnes In
02 01 06 Plymouth 1.52
02 02 03 Cornwall 102.68
02 02 03 Devon 55.44
02 02 03 Plymouth 344.4
02 05 01 Cornwall 523.98
03 03 07 Ashford 120.7
03 03 07 Kent 199.52
07 05 12 Devon 69.24
07 05 12 North Devon 22.36
07 05 12 North East Lincolnshire 535.18
07 05 12 North Lincolnshire 115.12
19 02 03 Devon 181.74
19 02 03 East Devon 21.24
19 02 03 Plymouth 277.98
19 05 02 Somerset 363.08
19 08 01 Bristol, City of 416.02
19 08 01 Cornwall 24.88
19 08 05 Exeter 97.18
19 08 05 Plymouth 1886.62
19 12 10 Bath and North East Somerset 116.96
19 12 10 Cornwall 25.04
19 12 10 Dorset 3863.86
19 12 10 East Hampshire 65.66
19 12 10 Exeter 274.92
19 12 10 North Devon 45.52
19 12 10 Southampton 217.1
19 12 10 Swansea 23.62
19 12 10 West Sussex 26.42
19 12 12 Bath and North East Somerset 140.76
19 12 12 Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole 48.34
19 12 12 Bristol, City of 366.4
19 12 12 Cornwall 17219.66
19 12 12 Devon 2066.16
19 12 12 Dorset 443.32
19 12 12 East Hampshire 26.24
19 12 12 Exeter 14514.18
19 12 12 North Devon 3001.98
19 12 12 Plymouth 4.5
19 12 12 Somerset 4085.68
19 12 12 South Hams 1260.8
19 12 12 Swansea 338.46
19 12 12 Teignbridge 23.56
19 12 12 West Devon 1501.9
19 12 12 Wiltshire 2332.22
20 01 01 Cornwall 0.92
20 01 01 Devon 32.82
20 01 01 Plymouth 3.36
20 01 39 Plymouth 12
20 01 99 Cornwall 626.28
20 03 01 Bath and North East Somerset 40.46
20 03 01 Bristol, City of 183.22
20 03 01 Cornwall 242.88
20 03 01 Devon 4806.08
20 03 01 Dorset 101.78
20 03 01 East Devon 22.08
20 03 01 Exeter 3786.62
20 03 01 Lambeth 24.5
20 03 01 Mid Devon 1171.86
20 03 01 North Devon 853.74
20 03 01 Plymouth 65511.71
20 03 01 Poole 50.38
20 03 01 Somerset 392.24
20 03 01 South Hams 17103.94
20 03 01 Teignbridge 977.2
20 03 01 Torbay 3006.52
20 03 01 West Devon 1504.94
20 03 01 West Sussex 51.84
20 03 01 Wiltshire 285.88
20 03 03 Plymouth 306.6
20 03 07 Devon 17474.02
20 03 07 Dorset 17.84
20 03 07 Exeter 1349.88
20 03 07 Mid Devon 1819.84
20 03 07 North Devon 8.74
20 03 07 Plymouth 24155.82
20 03 07 Poole 35.96
20 03 07 South Hams 2140.44
20 03 07 Teignbridge 15097.02
20 03 07 Torbay 37184.78
20 03 07 West Devon 809.44
